Applications for Verified Civilian are currently open.

How to Make a Appeal


JRP Punishment Appeal

Welcome to the staff punishment appeal page please follow this format. If you post one that does not follow the format it will be denied. Do not ask staff to look at the appeal unless there has been no response to the appeal within one (1) week. If you are global banned and are attempting to get ungloballed, you can submit an appeal here instead: This form is only for in-game appeals.

Make sure to copy the format, create a new thread in the appropriate appeal section, make the name of the appeal your in-game name and the type of appeal i.e. Josh E Ban Appeal, paste the format in your new thread, and fill it out to the best of your abilites with as much evidence as possible.

Warn Appeal

Kick Appeal

Ban Appeal


  1. In-Game Name/Steam Name: 
  2. Steam Link URL:
  3. Discord Name: 
  4. Discord ID:
  5. Was the punishment a warn, kick, or ban?
  6. Date of Punishment:
  7. Reason for Punishment:
  8. Did you commit the offense that you were warned for?
  9. Why do you believe the punishment should be removed? Add evidence below.

Warnings may be appealed at any time, there are no specific guidelines for appealing a warning as these are considered minor infractions and are issued to players who don't have a lengthy infraction wrap sheet. Warnings are our first line of defense and rehabilitation against players that need minor correction to assimilate to our JRP Rule Book.

If a player wishes to contest his or her kick on the forums, they must understand that they must have demonstrated their ability to overcome the behavior that led to that kick. In most instances, kicks are issued after warning a player proved not to be fruitful or advantageous in correcting their course of behavior. In order to appeal a kick, the appeals team member must feel you have changed your behavior in such a degree or way that facilitates the intent of our Server Rulebook and that you are now rehabilitated in such a manner that you will be better off without the kick on your record. Approving a kick appeal falls on the discretion of the Appeals Team member, the more detail you provide in your kick appeal in why you feel it should be removed and how you've turned your behavior around will better increase your chances of having the kick removed. Network Executives may remove a kick from your record at any time.

Players who wish to have their bans removed must meet the same criteria as the aforementioned criteria listed above in kicks, however, we do not assign Appeals Team members to ultimate discretion like they have with kicks, and Appeals Team members should use their best judgement when determining of someone has overcome the behavior patterns demonstrated by the Player that caused them to be banned in the first place. Certain bans must wait a period of time AFTER their ban has concluded to appeal the ban from their record. If you feel your ban is erroneous or made in error, you may appeal the ban at ANYTIME, however if you are found to be guilty of said ban and are making claims of an erroneous or faulty ban, your ban will NEVER be removed. The following is a list of time constraints players must abide by before requesting an appeal for their bans.

Random Death Match (RDM)
Players who have demonstrated a pattern of behavior that results in them randomly killing players outside of roleplay scenarios and who have been banned for such behavior may appeal their bans 5 calendar days after their ban has concluded.

Vehicle Death Match (VDM)
Players who have demonstrated a pattern of behavior that results in them consistently crashing into other players, vehicle, or property outside of roleplay scenarios and who have been banned for such behavior may appeal their bans 5 calendar days after their ban has concluded.

Driving a Personal Vehicle That Does Not Belong To Them
Players who have been caught and banned for driving someone elses personally owned vehicle must get written acceptance of their ban appeal by the vehicle owner with expressed forgiveness and may appeal this ban at any time.

Players who are banned for being racist, stereotyping, or prejudiced against a group of people for their ethnic background can NOT appeal their ban unless they feel their ban is erroneous and they are not guilty of what they are accused of.

Sexual Roleplay
Players who are banned for ANY sexual roleplay, to include transgender roleplay or any sexual connotation that introduces a sexually charged topic into JRP and subjects minors to any sexually natured conversation CANNOT appeal their ban at any time, UNLESS they feel their ban is erroneous and they are not guilty of the accused crime.

Any player banned for being prejudiced or offensive towards any protected class of identities to include sex, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities, race, gender or any other unlisted protected classes of identity may NOT appeal their ban, UNLESS they feel their ban is erroneous and they are not guilty of the accused crime.

Server Dissing
Players who have been banned for server dissing may appeal their bans, however appeals team members should be skeptical of their ban appeals as they have already expressed disinterest in playing here or wanting to be here, ulterior motives should be considered and Appeals Team Members should tread lightly on approving them unless they have shown extremely rare instances of over coming their dismay for what they feel about JRP.

Staff Disrespect
Players who have been banned for disrespecting the Staff Team may appeal their bans 10 calendar days after their ban has concluded, Appeals Team Members should determine the intent behind their statements, and the emotional impact caused to the player by the Staff Member, try to have some empathy and compassion for the situation. However, if the Player was ultimately being disrespectful without warrant or without first having been personally insulted, the ban should not be removed without first exemplifying that their behavior has been overcome and will not persist.

Player Disrespect/Harassment
Players who have been banned for disrespecting another Player may appeal their bans 7 calendar days after their ban has concluded, Appeals Team Members should determine the intent behind their statements, and the emotional impact caused to the player by the Player and the Player they harassed or insulted without warrant, try to have some empathy and compassion for the situation. However, if the Player was ultimately being disrespectful without warrant or without first having been personally insulted, the ban only be removed after first exemplifying that their behavior has been overcome and will not persist, and that the perponderance of evidence in their behavior allows you to determine that they will probably not harass or insult other Players again.

Modding/Cheating/Exploiting A Known Bug
Players who are banned for modding, cheating or exploiting a known bug may NOT appeal their bans at any time. Erroneous bans may be contested at any time.

Any ban not listed above may be appealed at any time with discretion of the Appeals Team Member and blessed off by an Appeals Team Manager. The Appeals Team Leader may use his discretion at any time for these bans to issue a denial or approval. If there is a ban you haven't seen before or an extenuating circumstance that may require a little more insight, or someone with more experience, please contact an Appeals Team Manager, if the Appeals Team Manager deems it necessary, these off the radar and extenuating circumstance bans may be sent to the Executive Team for determination. The Server Manager may reverse a ban decision at his discretion should he deem it necessary. Network Level Executives may revoke, reissue, reinstate, reverse or otherwise any infraction on a players record at any time at their discretion.









